Monday 1 March 2010

Patesserie Valerie

Our favourite patisserie in Oxford at the moment has to be Patisserie Valerie. I do seem to bang on about it a bit.......but they do have the most amazing millefois.

This may be a little controversial but I think they're even better than than those at Maison Blancs..... at least ones that we once had there. The pastry was so hard that I'm sure they were at least a day old.... maybe it was just an off day.

Having said that though,I have also had the best pistachio souffle ever at Raymond Blancs Bistro in Walton Street..... ad I watchd him on his new tv program and he seems such a nice guy......

It was cool to chill out for a bit on Sunday morning, have a coffee/green tea and yummy millefois we couldn't resist even though we were'nt really had to share one!

I love to buy pastries to take away because they are beautifully wrapped for you in little boxes with curly pink ribbons and put in little carrier always seems like a Jane Austin moment.....I imagine I should be wearing white kid gloves to take the parcel from them......

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