Friday 9 July 2010

Oxford Castle Arts Market

Kennington Artists will have a stall on the Oxford Castle Arts Market tomorrow. I won't be there tomorrow but a couple of my small drawings and some cards, books and stickers will be so why not check it out if you're in the area. It's going to be a scorcher 30 degrees so it'll be fun to browse around.


  1. Wish I could be there - your works look lovely and I could do with a 30 degree day right about now!

  2. Thanks Caz.

    Somehow it doesn't register with me that it gets cold in Australia. Silly I know it's a big continent/country so the climate is bound to be varied.

  3. How did the market go?
    Yes, the wools are gorgeous - all dyed using natural materials. The table looked fabulous.

  4. ooh how lovely.

    I'm not sure how it went yet Katie. I haven't had time to get in touch with the other artists

    We had lots of friends and visitors this weekend and we just managed to pop into town and have a quick look...The stall looked lovely and we had a great position but I forgot my camera...I could have posted a photo. We usually do well so hope yesterday was good too because we plan to do it every week.
