Monday 8 November 2010

A bit of this weeked

A lot of the weekend has involved lovely leaves...mountains of them, and they keep coming....

The weather's been weird and warm and we've had scotch mists that make a surreal kind of atmosphere in the garden. And the trees with the not good apples (those that are polka dotted with black spots) and no leaves look like they're covered in Christmas baubles....the whole weekend had a kind of Christmasy feel to it...not sure why....
'A' made his famous green rice with broad beans and dill and baked chicken...mmm...

...and I made pancakes...please excuse me showing off my pancakes, but I've always been rubbish at making them....until now that is.  I'm actually getting the hang of them and they are becoming a weekly event for weekend brunch.  They are actually pikelets to be precise and I think  my success is due more than a little to Lucy and her great aunt Makira...I really recommend you linking to  the recipe here and trying them out for yourself....they are so easy I've even made them mid-week.....

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