Finished work at eight then dashed into Manos and met 'A' for a quick bite and a ginger beer.... lovely Spanakopita which is a fillo, feta, herb and spinach pie. It was served with humus, Greek salad and a quinoa salad. Amazing food and it's very cheap the main course only £6.10!....Remember the chocolate orange cake I told you about...
Then a film at The Phoenix at nine.... ages since we've caught one......'The Kids Are Alright' had a five star review...a bit of a weird start and a few adult moments.......I felt that Annette Bening and Julianne Moore, who are both amazing actresses, didn't seem very convincing as a couple....but once into the film it was funny....the kind of humour associated with any long term relationship....and there's an amazing organic garden to die for........and it was great to get out on a really warm autumn night.....yey......
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