Friday, 14 September 2012

Yarn along

I've just started reading Lucas by Kevin Brooks. It's written for children and been compared with To Kill a Mocking Bird, which is a big comparison to make.  I hope it lives up to expectations because that along with Invisible Man and A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of my all time favourite novels. 

So far so good. The setting is a small island off the coast've got me at the island. Then an outsider is introduced, someone on the edge of society that sounds good too.  I'll let you know how I get on, I'm only on page 13. last I'm getting back into it.  I've been making lots of little writst-warmers in Donegal Tweed and felting wool, and a scarf to add to some felted projects for an art/craft fair next month.  I've just ordered my first ever batch of embroidered labels ever to stitch in them and I'm quite excited.  

I'm belatedly joining with Ginny of small things for this weeks yarn along...are you coming too?


  1. Oh Lucas sounds interesting ... I do hope you let us know whether the read was worth it. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my all time favourites, so that is a big comparison to make.

    1. It's a big ask isn't it? I'll let you know how I get on Tracey.

  2. I love how pretty everything looks lined up!

    1. Thank you Mary. It's a nice feeling when I've made a little stack.

  3. These are beautiful Deb. Are you felting all of them or do you leave some with the original knitted texture?

  4. Thanks Caz. Yes I am leaving the scarves and wristwarmer unfelted I love the soft felting wool just knitted up but it's great felted for things that need to be a little more sturdy so I've felted bags and iphone cases and things that need to be less flexible.
