Saturday, 22 June 2013

Memorable Meals - Mini Savoury Tarts.

A's brother paid us a surprise flying visit mid-week. He has a bit of a nomadic lifestyle that we all envy, dividing his time between Denmark, England and Iran. In his usual generous way he treated us to supper at his favourite place by the river. 

We caught up and ate, drank, talked and laughed as the sun went down over the Thames. I had an enormous, brie, pea and mint  wholemeal quiche with lovely little garlic roasted new potatoes and roasted vegetable salad with pesto dressing. H had chicken breast, glazed with a smoky chili jam cooked with chorizo and similar vegetables. Whilst the men had wild boar burgers, topped with free range eggs and served with beer chutney and enormous big chunky chips. Really substantial portions but it was so tasty that not even a crumb was left behind...

These are my dainty little quiches that I sometimes make. Inspired by the best smoked salmon tart bought from a cute artisan patisserie in the shadow of Notre Dame on the Ile de la citeeaten from paper bags on a balmy Parisian summer evening. Mine was laced with tiny slivers of smoke salmon. I'd never had fish in a quiche before and it was delicious.

I used my recipe that I've written here only I now make slightly larger ones that are less fiddely to work with. You could make one large family sized one but Individual works well for us so that we can each choose our  favourite filling.

But what about you have any favourite recipes inspired by memorable meals?


  1. I would love to visit you so I could taste your delicious food! Loved the greenery in your photos looks like summer is in full swing-hope the warm weather is there as well :)

  2. Wild boar burgers - that a new one on me they sound very mannish! Think I'll go for the little tarts.

    1. Apparently they are amazing. They did look good, especially with all the home made relishes.
