Thursday 15 May 2014

From a to bee, and a Boneyard shawl

"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live."     Quote attributed to Albert Einstein by some, or to beekeeper Albert N Stein, by others.

How could I resist  yarn described as ‘whisper soft' made from baby alpaca and pima cotton. It’s awesome to use, perfect for a spring shawl. I love the randomness of the kettle dyeing, the subtle shades; and that it’s Fair Trade. The profits help to set up co-operatives for women in rural Uruguay. The labels are signed by the artisans' own hand. 
This is my first Stephen West design, I don’t know why I never crossed his path  before. He’s so much fun…just check out his website. He reminds me of my nephew Dom…even the mad sense of humour. I'm getting hooked on his silly youtube tutorials. Or maybe it's just that I love anything with a bjork soundtrack...

The pattern is easy to follow. I love the simplicity of the design. Nothing too fussy. One to knit on the go. 
I am now in love with everything he’s ever designed. I want to make them all...Well maybe not everything...but lots of them...
I’ve only got two skeins of yarn. I’m sure that I’ll need to get at least one more. I’ll see how I get on.

I'm reading From A to bee; My First Year As a Beginner Beekeeper by the Surrey Beekeeper, James Dearsley, and can't put it down. I've learnt so much already. I wonder if it'll dampen my desire to keep them. I'm not sure if there will be enough room in our new garden...or if I will be a good enough guardian...

...the  following make me want to try at least one hive...

joining with ginny, tami and nicole



  1. and I love the 'charm' pattern, too!!! must run and fav that one! happy day!

    1. Thanks Steph. That's one for later. So many things in my queue...

  2. That's on the to do list too. I've been working on the sock yarn blanket too. My daughter spotted an image on the blog and loves it. Steph.

  3. I want to make that shawl soon, it's on my bucket list. I do like most of his designs. whisper soft....yes please!!

    1. That yarn feels so soft. I think it's expensive but it's good to know it's all going to a good cause. I love the pattern too. One that I can do whilst watching tv. Nice and easy.

  4. Gorgeous yarn and dreamy color! I don't think I've knit any of Stephen West's designs yet, but. I love the shawl you are making! I am very concerned about the health of honey bees and colony collapse disorder Scary stuff. I hope you will have room for a hive in your new garden!

    That quote attribution . . . Albert Einstein/ Albert N. Stein : )

    1. I love how it's knitting up. Great for this time of the year.

      Thanks for the note about the quote. I want to study as much as I can before deciding if our garden will be right for them. There are a couple of trees and lots of blossoms and it's the middle of the countryside so can gather all over.

      I do hope we can.

  5. I pulled out the bee books this morning, looks like we are getting a hive!
    Oh, and your yarn, drool!!!

    1. snap...I'm so pleased for you Tracey. I hope that you write about the process. I can't wait to see yours

  6. Oh, that yarn is lovely...such a soft, quiet color. It will compliment the lovely design of the shawl perfectly.
    Hubby and I have been dreaming of getting bees for quite some time, but the more I read the more afraid I am that I won't be a good guardian.

    1. The shawl is coming along lovely. I'm really enjoying knitting it and it looks lovely so far.
      I know what you mean about the responsibility. Apparently experienced bee keepers are wary about all the new comers wanting to keep them and concerned for their well being. I have lots more research to do before we make a final decision.
