Sunday 14 December 2014


Hot soapy water...running down your back and warming chilly bones. We were only without hot water for three days and without any at all for a few hours. We had offers of showers, and kettles to boil, but  it's so much better to feel the heat from the radiators when the fire isn't lit. To turn on a tap for the warm comfort trickling through your finger tips.  

I've thought about water a lot over the last few days. Remembering holidays on our boats as kids. Filling up big plastic carriers at an old brass water tap. Standing them on the tow path and listening to the percussion as it rained in. Four little girls energetically drumming the empty container on our shins then struggling with the dead weight on our return. Thinking about people who may have to walk miles for their daily water. Reading this and planning how to help. 

Things are happening. The boiler is up and running. I was dreading installation day. There were going to be six men working in the kitchen that turned out to be seven, plus one. I imagined the decibels. But no, everyone worked quietly and efficiently like human ants. All we could do was to make their breakfast sandwiches and cups of tea. So in-between my kitchen shifts I secreted myself away. Thankful for foresight having done some early Christmas shopping including wrapping paper and cards. I settled in by the little wooden bench in front of the fire. Scissors, sticky tape, paper and gifts one side, packet of dark chocolate  Lebkuchen hearts and spiced orange tea the other. didn't matter that they needed a few more days...

Saturday we left the men behind and went to town to buy floor tiles and treated ourselves to Japanese food here . Did a bit more Christmas shopping. Then came home to a newly laid concrete floor (resisting the temptation to walk on it), hot water and one new window installed. That should keep out a few more draughts.

Sunday, decorating day...not the tree yet, we'll have to wait a bit for that, but walls and doors and skirting boards. 

That was a bit of my weekend...How was yours?

joining with karen for weekends...


  1. I see progress! I never think of my water or electricity until it's taken away from me with a powerful storm. January 1st this year had my water pump motor broken. I was without water for two days and it felt like two weeks. I tend to pout as well. I'm not gracious!

    Loved a peek of your new house!

    1. Thanks Karen. It's all coming along bit by bit. A few steps forward and then a few back but thankfully more of the first. I know, I take so much for granted I think it's good sometimes to go without for a little while.

  2. Hi there, stumbled in from another blog...

    phew, big weekend. i've done the renovation thing... several times! like you, when without water or heat, I always am taken to thoughts of those that go without for longer than a few days. sure makes us grateful when we have it all back.

    the restaurant visit sounded like a great reprieve!

    1. We've been fortunate to have a few restaurant reprieves recently Monica. So lucky and such great food.

  3. After having lived without running water for over a week I never take water, especially hot water for granted. It sounds like a lot of progress is being made and I for one can't wait for a tour.
    I'm glad you are enjoying the season, it is so much fun.

    1. Happy New Year Tracey. A week is a long time isn't it. We have friends who have a little holiday house in the Welsh Hills with no running water or electricity. They regularly go for long holidays. It's good to live simply but water is the hardest thing to be without. I must take some good photos and let you have the whole tour. A lot has been done but there's still so much more to do.

    2. ps yes...wrapping gifts is so much fun, and decorating the tree the best.

  4. You are so right about water. Such a precious commodity and we really do take it for granted. Glad you are all sorted before Christmas. Enjoy your lebkuchen (a favourite if mine too!) and tea.

    1. They are so more-ish Caz...It's good job they are only readily available at this time of year.

  5. When the necessities of life are taken away it is amazing how you appreciate the little things! Justo having warm water to wash your hands becomes huge!!! Can't wait to see next weeks blog juxxx

    1. I know. So much to be grateful for. Thanks Jules. I hope that you have a very happy new year.

  6. dear deb
    i wish you and your family a merry christmas!!!
    blessings, regina

    1. Thank you so much Regina. A very belated one to you too.
