Friday 24 September 2010

Time for Aunties Apple Cake Again

A great way to use up some of our apples yesterday, was to make an Aunties Apple Cake. You can find the recipe here if you'd like to try. It's really easy to make and fantastic for windfalls that aren't good enough to well as being really yummy....which is the main thing.

It was H's idea. She was home on a flying visit on Tuesday but we persuaded her to stay overnight, which was great cos we got to catch up and find out how the new student house, and new flatmates are working out. It sounds like they're all having a blast.

She suggested making a cake like the ones nanna used to make.....great idea considering the abundance of apples.

In case you wondered that was the smell of burning apple yesterday... and yes I did just manage to rescue it. Fortunately I'd used a smaller baking dish than usual and so the batter was deeper, and it was ceramic not metal, so took longer to cook...I did have to remove a couple of slices of apple that had been cremated....but the rest were fine...

And the proof of the pudding is in the eating...there's only one slice left, and it wont be long before that's gone too.....just give me a minute.......

NB This works really well with pears too.

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