...I got tempted to leave the lovely trout I was going to cook for supper and buy some fish from the chip shop in Jericho on my way home. We did at least have it with salad so it wasn't too unhealthy. I also had to try the Chai Steamer at The Jericho Cafe which is just as good as AMT and the Bakewell tart scrumptious. Another day I tried the amazing orange and chocolate marble cake at Manos Greek Deli Bar.....they don't do Chai steamer, but the cake is to die for, moist and chocolaty and orangey and they do a great range of teas...I had the green tea....and coffee
The fish thing was actually a really good strategy because 'A' whose on half term holiday this week cooked an amazing spicy, tomato, mushroom and potato, trout tagine for me the following day....it was delicious.
But I may have to give trying out every cafe in Jericho a miss....I'm struggling a bit with my zip today...
Sorry my links aren't working again...but if you like you find out more at www.thejerichocafe.co.uk and at www.manosfoodbar.com/