Monday, 17 September 2012


Catching up with weekends again. Last one was another running around after our tails busy weekend. Sorting out the garage so we can get actually get a car in it. More car-booting. Painting outdoor walls and doors before the weather breaks. Running outside barefooted to capture the reddest sky ever, before it disappeared and then realising there was no memory stick in the camera. Slowing down Sunday evening for nostalgic, unseasonal viewing of Home Alone 2 (we couldn't resist) followed by Herby Lemon Roasted chicken and salad supper.

This weekend was busy too. Half a days work Saturday thanks to my old boss who had to go out of the country unexpectedly and needed help. Sunday - lumberjacking. Had fun with neighbours' help removing the top half of the Eucalyptus tree, thanks to ropes and muscles we managed not to destroy anyones roof. Lots of knitting and quite a bit of TV viewing, exciting Insomnia set in beautiful Alaska and lots of amazing Wild China. Sunday supper of roasted Gressingham duck with  egg fried rice, pancakes and Hoisin sauce followed by the first episode in the new series of Downton Abby...perfect end to the weekend...

How was yours?

inspired Amanda at the habit of being...

Edit: I feel so bad posting the wild china video after mentioning roast chicken and duck. Not very sensitive of me. :o(


  1. What a busy weekend, it puts mine quite to shame. We did go to my mother's to feed the bees as they've had such a rubbish year and do some tidying up both in the house and down at the plot. Oh and I did make some rather good food for friends last night. Actually, that was worth writing down, I now feel as though I've done more than I thought I had - thank you :)

    Oh, I didn't know Downton Abbey was back either - guess what we'll be watching tonight.

    1. You have done a lot and all for other people. You definitely deserve to put your feet up and watch Downton tonight. I actually thing that this series is going to be better than the last one.
      Enjoy it. :o)

  2. busy weekend indeed! and yay for a little work and helping a friend out :)

  3. hehe, I didn't even give a thought to the roast duck after your mentioning of the wildlife of china until you mentioned it! Sounds like a weekend well spent:)

  4. I know, I didn't until I'd posted it ...and then I felt so bad! Silly I know because I shouldn't eat it if that's how I feel
