Wednesday 19 December 2012

A master class in tree decoration, Quick last minute Christmas cake and bird's nest hair

I've made the Christmas cake at last and we got the tree last weekend, but it's still not decorated. On a magical morning last week I dashed to the Post Office in the village, the air was crisp and cold and everywhere had been decorated by frost and spiders. So I went back home and got my camera, I dawdled and even went into the woods....I was supposed to be rushing. I had lots to do but I couldn't ignore drinking in all that hard work, now could I...

...maybe I'm dragging my tree decorating feet because I could never compete with the masters....

Meanwhile I recovered from a bad chest, made lots of speedy pastas and salads, watched the last episode of The Hour...(poor Freddie) and funny Last Tango in Halifax, received lovely surprise gift from good blogger friend Caz, that I'll hopefully use to make ginger tree decorations this weekend; and was treated to see The Hobbit by H. It was part of A's birthday gift that I was included in. We loved it. I now want to live in the little wooden house inhabited by hedgehogs and all the creatures of the wood...(I don't want a birds nest in my hair though, or bird poo running down my face...just the house...oh and no monsters either...)

...and the Christmas cake? You can find the link for the recipe over here...

...happy days...


  1. glad you are feeling better. Those frost shots are lovely!! I haven't seen the hobbit yet, but soon!

    1. Thanks Karen just in time for the holidays. I definitely recommend it.
      Have an awesome holidays.

  2. So glad you are on the mend. The frost pictures are breath-taking. The webs are so delicate and intricate covered in frost. My oldest is reading The Hobbit. No plans for him to see the movie, but I may.

    1. Thank you Heather. I know they were amazing I've never seen the frost looks so lovely I kept stopping and looking at them and in the end had to go back for my camera.
      Happy hols,

  3. Those frosty pics are incredible, but I am such a wimp all I could think about was that the spiders that made those webs must be enormous! May all your Christmas activities be merry and bright x Lucy

    1. I'm lucky Lucy I love all insects, my daughter too...which is really useful as my husband is a terrible arachnophobe. But the insects over here aren't dangerous like the ones in your country or Iran where he comes from, so I understand the fear.
      Thanks for the lovely holiday wishes too. May yours be just as merry and bright. Happy Holidays Deb. X

  4. Wow, those photographs are amazing! I'm not sure I've ever really seen frost like that certainly not since I was a child anyway. It's warming up here although the forecast for Christmas Day is just 20 degrees celsius which means we can enjoy our hot dinner and dessert! Sorry to hear that you have not been well. Even though it's summer here the kids have been down with chest infections, earaches and 'slap cheek' so some things are unfortunately universal.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, stay warm, eat well (not hard at your house) and I'll 'see' you in the New Year.

    P.S: I'm glad you like the cookie cutters!

    1. I know it was so surreal Caz that I lingered around for ages. It was a really magical morning.

      Sorry to hear about the little ones, I hope that everyone is back to good health for the holidays and you have a really happy family one.

      Have an amazing one.

  5. The frosted spider webs are amazing - I didn't think they were real to begin with - I thought perhaps they'd been crocheted! Have a cosy Merry Christmas!

    1. I know Rel...we get some amazing cobwebs in the village because of the woods but the frost decorated them with little frozen spikes in a way I haven't seen before and the misty air seemed to preserve them longer than usual.
      Thanks for the Christmas wished, the same to you and yours. Merry, merry.

  6. How about those frosting white webs - I too thought they were hand made! Love the Cake - Merry Christmas.

  7. That recipe is an old time favourite a mixture of a couple of recipes with a few additions.
    Merry Merry,
