Thursday 17 July 2014


I feel as though I'm short changing you this week. The whole point of heather's meme in her words, is to:

 "post photos taken in your kitchen throughout the week." 

she goes on to say that:

"Words aren't necessary, your photos will tell the the story"

But I only have three, to post this week. So not much to tell. 

It began well with the pink roses on the kitchen counter top and H's birthday cake that she cut into early, so that we could celebrate with her boyfriend, who was also home from uni.  I kidded myself that it was part of a balanced menu. Shop bought  naughty sweetly fondant covered cake plus fresh berries and cherries. Surely the fruit would balance out all that  sugar?

Then there was the early morning snap of the kitchen before things got too untidy. But that's when my previously successful attempts to mend the camera with Sellotape failed and the whole thing seized up completely. 

So I couldn't share images of the newly picked potatoes and garlic that A gathered from the school garden, the roasted vegetable couscous or the Persian, lamb and herb stew. 

'A' has kindly offered to buy a new one on his way home from work, so hopefully next week there will be more to share. We're visiting the new house at the weekend so there maybe even be a few of that one too.

I'm joining with heather again for this week in my kitchen and it would be lovely if you would come too?


  1. I simply adore birthday cake Debby and H's looks especially pretty.
    I hope your camera is replaced and you are take photos again soon
    Have fun at the new house this weekend.

    1. A was so sweet and got me one on the way home from school. He knows how much I rely on it and we really want to take some photos this weekend.
      I hope you have an amazing weekend Tracet.

  2. Your kitchen is so pretty! And of course the cake was healty, with all these fruits ;-)
    My camera broke some time ago and now I take photos with my phone... I know that it's not the same thing but it is always by hand and so I take even more photos than before, even if they are poorer in quality. For top photos, my husband has a nikon reflex that he uses also for his photoreporter work, but I'm not able to use it!!! Happy weekend ^_^

    1. Hi Valeriacrea,
      Thank you. I agree it was definitely healthy...he he. I was fortunate my husband bought me a small one last night which is really good and will be fantastic until I get mine mended. Wow your husbands camera sound awesome. Now that would be one to use...
      Have a great weekend,

  3. Your kitchen looks so bright and airy, wish ours was more like that... Hope your camera issue will be fixed soon. :-)

    1. Thanks Anke. We are having great sunshine lately so it's lovely to have the doors and windows open onto the garden all the time. It's been sorted thanks to my kind husband.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Sorry to hear about your camera. I would be lost without mine! Your kitchen is so bright and lovely.

    1. We get so used to recording everything don't we. Thanks Marianna.

  5. I still loved each photo, Deb.. I had to buy a new camera a couple of weeks ago because of the battery thing, too.. This camera says it needs certain type of batteries so I am going to try it and see if it lasts longer... Birthday cake is only once a year, right|? grin..
    Oh, unless there are more than 1 person per family...grin.. xoxoo
    So looking forward to the new kitchen photos...

    1. Thank you Faye. That's kind of you to say. The new one has a different battery like yours so hopefully it will also last longer. I get lost without my camera especially my old big one so hopefully I can that mended soon too.

  6. What beautiful roses! And cake with fresh berries is the best! Love the light in your early morning pic. Quiet morning moments in the kitchen are some of my favorite times of the day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Why thank you Katy. I love early mornings too, when everything is fresh and new.

  7. hope you get the new camera soon! You need one for your new to me house photos :)

    1. I know I was lost without it Karen but Ahmad sweetly bought me a new one. He even got the lead for downloading images so I won't be constantly removing the memory stick which is what I think caused the initial problem.I'm all good to go again.

  8. Your photos are lovely, despite your broken camera. Your kitchen is so inviting, fresh and airy. H's cake looks delicious...especially with all the fresh fruit! ;)II'm looking forward to photos of your new kitchen.

    1. Thank you Emily. It was delicious but very sweet. It's a good job her birthday is only once a year!

  9. ohh I love to see your kitchen! is very cozy, the roses are fantastic.
    Your dinner at The Fox looks very good.
    Have a happy sunday!

    1. Thanks Montse. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend too.

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  11. I've just deleted the above comment because I suspect that it was an advertisement.
