Wednesday 19 May 2010

I'm not sure where my current love of all things Russian has come from.....maybe something to do with the fact that it snowed until Easter. Although you may think that would be enough to put me off Russia for life.
I think it's always been lurking inside me somewhere. From the time as a teenager I thought it was cool to listen to my aunties old LP's of Russian Gypsy music, wear Russian boots and embroidered tops. Or something to do with reading too much Chekhov and Tolstoy.
....of course it could also be something to do with the fact that 'A' was on his way to Russia when he came to England, just before I met him. And he is an Omar Sharif doppelganger, or so everyone always tells me. And Dr. Zhivago is such a romantic film.

But it could be, because Tim Walker has taken some of the most amazing photographs in Russia, that I couldn't help decorating my study wall with.

And one of my favourite inexpensive but treasured objects is a Russian pendant that I bought for pennies in a charity sale.
It's no wonder then that when I had to come up with ideas for some small canopies for tomorrow evening I thought of blinis. Little Russian pancakes, topped with cream cheese and caviar or smoked salmon and dill. Not real caviar but sustainable pretend caviar made from smoked herring and squid ink. I'm not sure how they do it, but you do still get that salty caviar hit. But without the guilty conscience.

I remember when 'A's family used to visit us from Iran they would always bring an enormous tin of Beluga caviar from the Caspian Sea, which borders on Iran and Russia. We would all sit and scoff it with little biscuits and tequila. It was delicious. It was only ages afterwards when visiting Harrod's Food Hall that I realised just how expensive it is.

...and my current Russian infatuation? Well I'm working on a trip to the Russian Tea Rooms in Camden for our wedding anniversary next week... and I have seen some lovely vintage Russian pendants in Antiques on High...and they're not expensive just lovely...and Russian...


  1. How lucky are you to have a husband who looks like Omar Sharif! I seem to have the similar sort of inate yearning for Italy even though I have no Italian heritage that I know of. I have always loved all things French but when I visited both countries it was Italy that felt like home.

    Good luck with the exhibition opening and I love that last photo with the blini.

  2. Thanks Caz. He's a great person.

    I've never been to Russia and so my love of it is purely an irrational, romantic infatuation that could probably never be lived up to.

    Italy however is a different matter altogether. I totally understand how you feel about it. We seriously considered moving there a couple of years ago.

    We love the people, the food, the country, the style, the architecture, the art, the warmth and hospitality. There even seems to be something magical in the air. And I could go on.........
