Thursday 15 July 2010

Beaten By A Loving Spoonful Cake

I have a little confession to make regarding the chocolate spoonful cake. To start with it was so much fun using a new recipe. I have to admit that recently although I keep adapting recipes I have been using the same basic ones. I loved this one because it's an American recipe and used cup measurements which just seems so much more fun than weighing things out. But I accidentally read 1 1/4 cups of sour cream as 4 cups! Which I thought was a lot. I didn't have enough and so had to dash out and get some more. After I put the 4 cups in I realised my mistake so madly managed to remove some of it and make a batter that looked as though it would set in the oven. That disaster over and the cakes baked and cooling on a rack I began to make the frosting.I carefully followed the instructions mixed the cream, sour cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract together and began to whisk it all up and melted the bitter-sweet chocolate to add. But would it whisk. No way. It was like emulsion paint.......lovely tasting paint...but not lovely creamy chocolaty frosting. So I had to make another emergency dash to the grocers this time for ready made chocolate fudge icing....something I've never used before ...but thank goodness for convenience food....sometimes it saves the day.

I've no idea what went wrong with the frosting, maybe it was too hot today. I'm definitely going to have another go I won't be beaten by a loving spoonful cake.

Oh and be sure go over and have a look at Alysha Jane's blog full of yummy recipes and lots of crafty tips. I tagged her to answer all the questions that Caz at Bird with the golden seed blog had tagged me to answer. Why don't you check them both out to see their interesting answers and look out for news of others too.

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