Basically all you do is poach chicken portions in seasoned milk....which apparently tendorizes them. Drain and pat off the excess liquid and coat in a little seasoned flour. Prepare breadcrumbs by mixing them with crushed garlic, chilli flakes, salt and black pepper and then bake in a moderate oven for about twenty minutes.
Serve with oven baked potato wedges made by cutting one potato per person into six or eight wedges, depending on size. Placing in an oven proof dish coating in olive oil, paprika, sea salt and black pepper and then baking in a moderate oven for about thirty minutes.
Serve with a green salad. 'A' made some amazing Nan bread which went down really well with this too.....mmm.......
.....H just phoned whilst I was writing this and asked me about marinating chicken in yogurt and seasoning....what a coincidence..
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