Tuesday 8 February 2011

My Five Daily Essentials

1. Husband....waking up and knowing he's there....can't live without him.....
2. COFFEE....
3. Music...it feeds my soul.....
4. Reading....... turning on the Apple Mac each morning and checking friendly blogs/research material......and lovely books........
5. Hot soapy water............

I'm Playing along with Tracey over at the lovely Quiet Paws blog who tagged me to reveal some of my daily essentials.

...Now I think it's my turn to pay (or play)it forward and so I'm tagging Lucy, Rel and Vmichelle .....I hop they aren't too busy to join in too.....


  1. This is lovely! Have just been thinking about Caz's list - will think some more...

  2. Thanks for the tag! I'll join in and post something tomorrow. I have to say my essentials are remarkably similar. It all begins with the coffee doesn't it?

  3. Thanks Lucy...that's great...only if you have time......

  4. You are welcome vmichelle I love your blog and can't wait to read your post....oh and yes on the coffee.......

  5. Thanks for tagging me Deb - have just finished mine - it was fun!

  6. whooopee Rel....that was quick I'm so glad you found it fun.....I'm going straight over to check your post....
